The Canada release is now here, and it contains a range of upgrades that will improve your user experience, particularly in relation to strengthened security measures, enhanced search integration with SAI & GlobalX, and additional Trust Accounting features. These new Trust Accounting features have seen LawMaster continue our compliance across Australia and New Zealand and now being included on the New South Wales Trust Certification Register.

Here are just a few of Canada’s upgraded features:

1. Enhancements to Trust: Canada introduces two new modules to Trust that provide the facility to publish the Trust Cash Book for a nominated date range or accounting period, as well as print the Trust Ledger by Matter.

2. Enhanced Search Integrations: Where there are multiple SAI search transactions on one search order, a separate Search Record, Cost Record and Folio Record will be created for each search transaction. GlobalX searches now return more meaningful searches with greater detail in the Search Record Description and other fields.

3. Easier maintenance of Security Classes: We’ve made it easier to keep track of your team and what they can access with Security Classes now being maintained in a Reference table.

Register now for our Canada Webinar

Make sure you’re up-to-date with all of Canada’s new features by registering for our Canada Release Overview of Highlights Webinar in January. The webinar will subsequently be made available through the Knowledge Base. An email will be distributed soon with details for how to register.

Want to know more about Canada?

This article contains only a few of Canada’s new features. To find out about all the enhancements, click here.

If you have any questions, or need upgrade advice that’s specific to your firm, we’re here to help. Contact LawMaster, or talk to your dedicated Account Manager.